


A little test on how my faith on the Lord has grown stronger. This Bible verse very decorously talks about casting my burden and anxieties on the Lord because he cares for me.

How little faith you have!” … Your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things. … Rather, God knows; and He loves us with great and tender care.

God really does care about our trivial matters. Having being in pain and going through a rather slow and painful healing, little did I think that things would change soon. After a long time as if from a long slumber, things started changing, life seemed to be promising again new hopes were being built again.. I wasn’t sure which I was more happy about – that God cared about the quick shoddy prayer that I sent up as a duty or the fact that I am happy because he is taking care of me. I do believe this was divine.. Out of nowhere he restores, brings glory from the ashes as the Bible verse goes.

I’m witness…

So here is the shoddy prayer:

Dear Lord,

I give them all to you..

I am tired of chasing pretty rainbows, tired of spinning round and round. Wrap up all my shattered dreams of my life; and at your feet oh Lord, I lay them down.

Give them all to you , I give them all; shattered dreams, wounded heart, broken toys, difficult relationships. I give them all to you and I turn to you to see you turn sorrow into joy.

You never said, I will only see sunshine, you never said there will be no rain. What you promised though is a heart full of praise and singing about the very thing that has brought pain and depression.

Help me Oh Lord, I come to you as your loving child.

9 thoughts on “Prayer

  1. This is a true inspiration , actually a prayer for anyone going through troubles…if only one could trust God and believe that he who knows you better than anyone, even better than your parents, would never leave you in grief. Take care.


  2. This is touching & first foremost never loose your self belief in yourself as i’ve been to so bad phases of life since then i do believe in god but i learnt its important to keep believe in yourself so my wishes for good time ahead and keep writing as most of the things releases when you write.:)


  3. What’s the procedure to make god listen to the prayers of the children dying of bone cancer, dying of poverty ? The children who are abused and raped.. why is the god not helping them . 😯


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